A world where genocide is history
That is the world we are working hard to bring to life through the diligent work of incredible partners. Only when we insist to see each other's struggles and give power and voice to the disempowered and voiceless can each of us live the life of dignity and peace that we deserve.
Our Vision
Never Again envisions a world where people of conscience come together to uphold the most noble of causes, the inviolable right of mankind to live in freedom and dignity, and enshrine our responsibility to each other as stewards of our human brethren.
The forces of darkness, deception, discord, and strife are as old as mankind, but so are truth, courage, honor, and cooperation. These are the very principles that we seek to elevate, laud, and showcase - through collaborative efforts the world over. When empowered, these voices serve as the proverbial hand that wrests entire societies from the grip of misery.
Through our work, we bring together thought leaders, academics, experts, and officials, building alliances and creating spaces to empower truth and justice. This vision cannot come to life without the active work of our strategic partners in bringing to bear state-level actions and empowering civil society through public awareness initiatives.
Why we do what we do?
We operate on a deep belief that we are only as honored, dignified, and free as our weakest fellow in humanity, and only when we elevate the weakest among us can we elevate ourselves. For those working in this field, watching the suffering can be overwhelming, but we find respite in knowing that even the smallest of candles can extinguish the deepest of darkness.
Because Humanity's Threatened
Turning a blind eye to the destruction of any group threatens us all. We are only one degree away from the the victimization of others. Victims of persecution and those suffering without a voice must be our priority wherever they are. The cycle must be stopped before we become its next victims.
Because Justice is Denied
A world where there is no accountability and criminal acts can be committed with impunity is an affront to the concept of justice. The failure of the current system of international and national laws to repair such crimes and bring justice to the victims requires our collective power to rise in the service of justice.
The only true victory is that of good over evil - moral and just over immoral and oppressive - stewardship and community over tribalism and exploitation. We must seek for these basic "goods" to prevail lest we risk the Earth and all its inhabitants.
Because Good Must Prevail
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